第七十六章 故事继续


  “What a shame, I'm sorry to bring up this sad thing.”(真遗憾,我很抱歉提起这件让你伤心的事。)

  将酒杯推回调酒师的面前,夏小天无所谓的摇摇头。“It doesn't matter,”(没事。)

  “Your boss is a local?”夏小天玩弄着手边的长吸管整个人身上都散发出慵懒的气味,看似漫不经心,随口一问的问题却是夏小天费了半天力气跑到这个鱼龙混杂,纸醉金迷的酒吧主要目的。


  “No, she's French. She followed her family here because of her family's career problems, It started as a preparation for the Li Cheng family's company business, But then her father brought back a bastard, Although the bastard is the most shameful, the lowest base, but for a large family, boys can be much more valuable than girls. The boss accepted her sudden bastard brother almost without hesitation. Later, my boss told me once after work that the bastard was only ten years old. It means her father betrayed her mother for ten years or more.”(不她是法国人。因为家庭的职业问题,她跟随家人来到这里,开始是为继承家族的公司业务做准备,但后来她的父亲带回来了一个私生子,虽然私生子是最可耻的,最低贱,但对于一个大家族来说,要想保持家族的荣耀,男孩比女孩更有价值。老板几乎毫不犹豫地接受了她那突如其来的私生子弟弟。后来,老板有一次下班后告诉我,那个私生子才十岁。这意味着她的父亲背叛了她的母亲十年或更久。)

  “Her mother didn't do anything?”(她妈妈什么都没做?)夏小天简直不敢想象,自己的丈夫在自己女儿即将继承家业的时候突然带回来了一个背叛自己的证据。这对于每一个女人来说都是一次不可原谅的重大打击吧。